10 thoughts on “Should I be cross that a religious symbol appears on one of my favorite tipples

  1. Hahaha, I’ve actually noticed that cross before – but I was still a Christian back then, and it bothered me more that it was on a bottle of alcohol, as a part of the branding. I think having God in South Africa’s national anthem bothers me more, but then I’m not particularly fond of Jagermeister anyway 🙂

    • Hi Nessie,

      Makes sense that a Christian would notice the label bearing a religious symbol. For me, the stuff that came out of the bottle seemed to always draw and hold my attention.

      Anyway, you’ve got to try a Jagerbomb. It’s said that the the Red Bull masks the depressing effect of the alcohol.

  2. Thank you sir for the unbiased revalalation about this fine product.

    I was watching the movie “The Killing of Jesus” when I remembered seeing the Cross on a bottle of Jagermeister and thought…why not down 3 shots of it and take a nap in the sunshine beside my my sun drenched patio door!

    It’s 12° for crying out loud!

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